
I make music mostly with synthesized and processed sounds.

I like round brass objects.

I like randomness.

A lot of it is slowly evolving soundscaping, sometimes there are beats.

Some of it has been used for theatre or film.

We're working on getting some of this stuff released,

: but for now here are some links to my Soundcloud


Wonderful locative audio project for Zonzo Compagnie.
Here is a demo of some of the music :

(photo (c) Karolina Maruszak)


NTGent/Action Zoo Humain have asked me to make sound and music for their production 'Perzen', première @ NTG, June 2024.

A take on the Palestinian conflict, in the context of Aeschylos' tragedy. A research into empathy.

Thielemans x Romaniuk

I have been playing with the wonderful Anthony Romaniuk for a few years now.

He is an amazing keyboard player and not afraid of experiment.

We are now working together on fragments of Schubert, for 'Zwart Gat Antarctica', recorded in the wonderful old Studio 3 in deSingel, Antwerp. (Thank you Nadar Ensemble!)

We’ve done a few gigs in Belgium’s finest halls, and here are some recordings, made not so long ago :
(portrait (c) Mashid Mohadjerin, studio photo (c) Wim Piqueur)

Thielemans x Demeulenaere

My good friend Stijn Demeulenaere is a sound artist who works with field recordings.

We are working on new stuff, and here are the recordings we made together in quarantined times :

Thielemans x Tembuyser

Timo Tembuyser is a singer director architect performer. We got to know each other working on his Missa Mater Sola for Muziektheater Transparant, and now we are on stage together in The Mass Man.

Timo is now working on a remake of the Missa, playing in Belgium and Holland this spring.

Here is some of the Missa Mater choir of sons :
(photo (c) Koen Broos)